Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Street Walkers

This past weekend my family and I took a road trip up the coast to San Francisco, which is possibly my favorite big cities in the US. I love how fashionable some people can be and how completely unfashionable others can be. For example the second picture from the bottom with the girl with the head phones and the boots. I literally loved her outfit for some reason she just looked awesome walking down the street. Also the chica with the cream coat and the sunglasses, Oh my Goodness I was in l-o-v-e with that outfit kind of to die for! One of my last favorites of this group of Franciscans is the photo of the woman selling papers, why I love it is beyond me but, I do love it. I really enjoy photographs of people on the street just because they are in their own minds and are not really paying attention. Its like stalking and that sounds bad but, its kind of true!

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